Emergency Management Training & Planning Services
Basic & Advanced Emergency Management Training
We offer comprehensive training solutions to prepare your team for effective emergency response. Our programs include:
Incident Management Position-Specific Training
This basic or advanced workshops are designed to provide your organization with a robust understanding of the duties, responsibilities, and capabilities of during any all-hazard incident.
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Training
Incident Command System (ICS) 300 Training
Incident Command System (ICS) 400 Training
Tabletop Exercises
Operational & Functional Exercises
Emergency Management Planning
Our planning services ensure that your organization is fully prepared for any emergency scenario. We provide:
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans (CEMP)
“The Foundational Document,” the CEMP outlines the most critical elements of an organization’s emergency management plan, allowing for the development of supplemental and supporting documents that relate to vulnerability reduction, response, and recovery under a common, structured framework.
Threat Hazard Identification Risk Assessments (THIRA)
Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP)
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Incident Management Positions
Severe Weather Preparedness Guidance
Relevant Professional Qualifications
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Certifications
Recovery from Disaster: Local Community Role (G-205) - 2020 |
Radiological Emergency Management (IS-3) - 2020 |
An Introduction to Hazardous Materials (IS-5) - 2020 |
Preparing for Federal Disaster Operations (IS-102c) - 2020 |
National Disaster Recovery Framework (IS-2900a) - 2020 |
The Role of Voluntary Agencies in Emergency Management (IS-288) - 2020 |
Community Hurricane Preparedness (IS-324a) - 2020 |
Introduction to Hazard Mitigation (IS-393b) - 2020 |
Animals in Disaster – Module A Awareness and Preparedness (IS-10a) - 2020 |
Animals in Disaster – Module B Community Planning (IS-11a) - 2020 |
Anticipating Hazardous Weather & Community Risk (IS-271a) - 2020 |
Developing and Managing Volunteers (IS-244b) - 2019 |
Building Partnerships with Tribal Governments (IS-650a) - 2018 |
Mission Assignment Overview (IS-293) - 2018 |
Emergency Preparedness for Federal Employees (IS-450) - 2018 |
Introduction to Individual Assistance - 2017 |
Emergency Manager Orientation (EMO) - 2016 |
Intro to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic Influenza (IS-520) - 2014 |
Exercising Continuity Plans for Pandemics (IS-522) - 2014 |
All Hazards Liaison Officer (L-956) - 2014 |
Fundamentals of Risk Management (IS-454) - 2014 |
Introduction to Debris Operations (IS-632a) - 2014 |
Continuity of Operations (COOP) Program Manager Train-the-Trainer (L-548) - 2014 |
Devolution Planning (IS-551) - 2014 |
Continuity Planners Train-the-Trainer (E/L-550) - 2014 |
Determined, Resilient & Guardian Accord Continuity of Operations Workshops - 2014 |
All Hazards Safety Officer (L-954) - 2014 |
ICS/EOC Interface - 2013 |
Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program Train-the-Trainer (L-147) - 2012 |
Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program Training - 2011 |
Emergency Program Manager Orientation (IS-001) - 2011 |
Emergency Operations Center Management and Operations (IS-775) - 2010 |
National Response Framework (IS-800.b) - 2010 |
Information System (IS-702.a) - 2010 |
Emergency Operations Center Incident Management Team Interface - 2009/2020 |
Emergency Operations Center Management and Operations (G-775) - 2009 |